LexisNexis Practice Guide: Michigan Family Law
by James J. Harrington, III (Author) , Anthea E. Papista (Author) , Contributing Authors (Contributor)
A convenient one-volume deskbook providing comprehensive coverage of Michigan family law.
Lexis Nexis is a National Publisher, with specialties including Legal texts. In 2016 Lexis Nexis arranged for James J. Harrington III and Anthea Papista to be Editors, and chapter authors of the brand new Michigan Family Law Practice Guide, designed to furnish a “checklist” approach, combined with expert analysis of significant areas of Michigan Family Law. From 2016 onward to the present, annual updates have been incorporated into stand alone volumes available to attorneys and the public alike.
James J. Harrington III is the sole author of five (5) Chapters in the book, including Pretrial Discovery, Motion Practice, and Family Law Litigation; Spousal Support; Marital Property; Alternate Dispute Resolution; and Attorney Fees. In addition he is the editor of the Chapters on Military Law, Paternity, and Division of Retirement Plans.
Being an Editor and Author requires dedication to the latest changes in Family Law, and analyzing trends and developments for the benefit of readers including attorneys and the public.